Resources - Pre-College: Introductory Summer Programs/Camps for Pre-College Youth

Online Database:

Science Training Programs Directory for Students and Teachers: Online database of over 300 science, math, and engineering enrichment programs for pre-college students and teachers. Maintained by the Society for Science and the Public.


National / Multi-Site Programs:

American Society of Materials Int'l - Materials Camp: 1-week residential camps for HS students; held at two locations - Univ of Washington in Seattle (West Coast camp) and ASM Materials Engineering Institute in Cleveland (East Coast camp); each camp takes 30 students; completely free (including travel to/from the camp) for accepted participants.

IBM - EXploring Interests in Technology and Engineering (EXCITE) Camps: 1-week residential camps for 6th and 7th grade girls; held worldwide, including 13 camps in the US.

Junior Eng Technical Society (JETS) - UNITE (Uninitiates' Introduction to Engineering): US Army-sponsored summer school aimed at women and minorities interested in science and engineering; held at 4 colleges (Florida International Univ, New Mexico MESA, Univ of Delaware, Univ of Detroit-Mercy).

NASA - Summer HS Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP): Minimum 8-week research apprenticeships offered to some 400 HS students (at least 16 years old) interested in science, mathematics, technology, engineering, and geography; both a residential program (at 8 universities nationwide) and a commuter program (at 13 NASA Field Installations nationwide) are offered; all participants receive a salary for their work.

National Inventors Hall of Fame - Camp Invention™: a 1-week day camp for children entering grades 2-6, offered at over 430 schools in 39 states nationwide; generally $200.

Society of American Military Engineers - Engineering and Construction Camps: Two camps for HS students are offered: a one-week, US Air Force Academy-hosted camp in Colorado Springs, CO for 60 students ($225-250); a one-week, US Navy Seabees-hosted camp in Port Hueneme, CA for 40 students ($225-250);

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) - Science Technology and Engineering Preview Summer Camp for Girls (STEPS): 1-week residential camps for middle and high-school girls; tuition-free. A national initiative put forth by the SME's Education Foundation; currently open to Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin residents, with the camps being held at universities in those respective states.

US Dept of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration - National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI): 4-week residential camps for middle and high school minority students, focusing on civil/transportation engineering/issues; operated at 41 host college/university sites nationwide.


College-Specific Programs:

Note: In many cases, financial aid is available to students in need to help them attend these programs.

Arizona State Univ - Summer Institute - Computer Science & Computer Systems Engineering Camp: 5-day residential camp for high-school youth; $100.

Arizona State Univ - Summer Institute - WISE-UP: 5-day residential camp for girls entering grade 10 interested in engineering and construction; $175.

Arizona State Univ - Summer Institute - WISE Teams: 3-day commuter camp for middle-school girls interested in engineering and construction; $50.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Young Engineering and Science Scholars (YESS) Program: 2-1/2-week residential camp aimed at minorities and low-income HS students (soph/jr); takes about 30 students; free.

Catholic Univ - Eye on Eng and Computer Science: 6-day residential camp for 100 rising HS seniors; $395.

Iowa State Univ - Engineering and Beyond Workshop: 4-day residential workshops for rising HS seniors; 3 sessions offered.

Kansas State Univ – Girls Researching Our World (GROW) Program: a 3-day non-residential summer workshop for girls entering the 7th or 8th grades who are interested in science, math, engineering or technology.

Kansas State Univ - Exploring Science Technology & Engineering (EXCITE): 4-day residential program for entering 9th/10th grade girls; $150.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Minority Introduction to Engineering Entrepreneurship and Science (MITE2S): 6-week residential program aimed at minorities and other underrepresented students; takes about 60-70 HS juniors; free.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Women's Technology Program: 4-week residential program for 40 girls entering the 12th grade; $2000.

Michigan State Univ - HS Engineering Institute: 6-day residential camp for HS students; $435.

Michigan Technological Univ (Michigan Tech) - Explorations in Engineering: 1-week residential workshop aimed at minorities and low-income HS students; free.

Michigan Technological Univ (Michigan Tech) - Women In Engineering: 1-week residential workshop aimed at HS girls; free.

Milwaukee School of Engineering - Summer Programs: Two separate 6-day residential programs for HS students; up to 96 students accepted; $650.

Notre Dame: Introduction to Engineering Program: 3-week residential program for rising HS seniors; 2 sessions offered; $950.

Oregon State Univ - Summer Experience in Science and Engineering for Youths (SESEY); 1-week residential program aimed at HS women and minorities; $100

Purdue Univ - Seminar for Top Engineering Prospects (STEP): 6-day residential program for rising HS seniors; 3 sessions offered; $485

Purdue Univ - Women in Engineering’s Love Engineering At Purdue (LEAP) Summer Camp: 6-day camp for girls entering the 7th or 8th grade; $150 (commute option), $350 (residential option)

Purdue Univ - Women in Engineering’s Exciting Discoveries for Girls in Engineering (EDGE) Summer Camp: 6-day residential camp for rising HS soph/jr girls; $350

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology - Operation Catapult: 3-week residential program for rising HS seniors; two sessions offered; $1850.

Santa Clara Univ - Summer Engineering Seminar (SES): For rising HS juniors; free.

Smith College - Summer Science and Engineering Program (SSEP): 4-week research-oriented residential program for HS girls; $3700.

Stevens Institute of Technology - Exploring Career Options in Engineering and Science (ECOES): 2-week residential program for HS soph/jr; takes 70 students; $795.

Univ of Alaska, Fairbanks - Alaska Summer Research Academy: 10-day residential camp for HS students.

Univ of Arizona - Summer Engineering Academy: Offering two programs: a 5-day commute program for students entering 9th/10th grades ($150); a 6-day residential program for students entering the 11th/12th grades ($300).

Univ of Cincinnati - Men in Engineering and Computer Science Camp: a 5-day camp for boys entering 11th/12th grades; accepts 40 students; $200 (commute), $300 (residential).

Univ of Cincinnati - Women in Engineering and Computer Science Camp; a 5-day camp for girls entering 11th/12th grades; accepts 40 students; $125 (commute), $225 (residential).

Univ of Colorado, Boulder - High School Honors Institute: a 4-day residential program for entering HS jr/sr interested in engineering, computer science, or applied math/physics; $300.

Univ of Connecticut - Engineering 2000 Program: 1-week residential program for entering HS jr/sr; accepts 70 students.

Univ of Dayton - Women in Engineering Summer Camp: a 6-day residential program for HS soph/jr/sr girls; $325.

Univ of Denver - The Making of an Engineer Program: a three-week summer “engineering experience” course for high school students, offered for undergraduate college credit; $100 tuition, $1000 room and board.

Univ of Evansville – Options: a 1-week residential program for females entering the 10th/11th/12th grades who are interested in engineering or computer science; $400.

Univ of Florida - Student Science Training Program (SSTP): a 7-week residential research-oriented program for up to 100 rising juniors/seniors considering engineering, science, computer, math, or medical careers; $2600.

Univ of Idaho - Junior Engineering, Math, and Science (JEMS) Summer Workshop: a 2-week residential program for HS students who have completed their junior of senior year; accepts up to 60 students; $550.

Univ of Illinois - Exploring Your Options Summer Camp: a 1-week residential camp for HS students; two sessions for rising HS jr/sr, one session for rising HS soph; $550.

Univ of Maryland, College Park - Exploring Engineering (E2@UMD): a 1-week residential program for rising jr/sr female HS students; two sessions offered; $200.

Univ of Massachusetts, Lowell - DesignCamp: 5-day commuter science and engineering workshops for students in grades 5-10; 12 different workshops offered; $280 each.

Univ of Michigan - Summer Engineering Academy (SEA): 2- to 4-week residential programs for students enetring 8th-12th grades; consists of: Summer Enrichment Program (for 8th/9th graders); Minority Introduction to Technology and Engineering (for 10th/11th graders); Summer College Engineering Exposure Program (for 12th graders).

U of Missouri-Rolla - Introduction to Engineering: 6-day program for high school students; $425-residential option, $300-commuter option.

U of Missouri-Rolla: Minority Introduction to Engineering (MITE) Program: 6-day program for minority high school students; $100.

Univ of Texas, Arlington - Engineering Summer Camps: two 1-week residential camps for middle and HS students, namely: Gateway to Engineering (for students entering 7th/8th grades) and Bridge to Engineering (for students entering 9th/10th grades); $300 each.

Univ of Vermont - Engineering, Math, and Computer Science Institute: a 9-day residential program for HS students; accepts about 80 students; $650 (in-state), $950 (out-of-state).

Univ of Virginia - Introduction to Engineering Summer Program: a 1-week residential program for rising HS jr/sr; $225.

Univ of Wisconsin, Madison - Engineering Summer Program (ESP): a 7-week residential program for HS jr/sr students of color and women; $50.

Univ of Wisconsin, Platteville - Women in Engineering Exploratory Career Camp: a 1-week summer residence program for high school females; two one-week sessions are offered, with a maximum of 24 students per session; $150.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Girls in Engineering, Math and Science (GEMS) Programs: two programs for girls, namely: GEMS Jr. (a 4-day commuter program for entering 8th/9th graders; $75) and GEMS (a 1-week residential program for entering 10th/11th/12th graders; $200).

Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Strive/Strive Jr.: two programs for minority students, namely: Strive Jr. (a 4-day commuter program for entering 7th/8th/9th graders; $75) and Strive (a 1-week residential program for entering 10th/11th/12th graders; $200).


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